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Breck Outland

I find the activity of drawing to be very honest and direct. Nothing is hidden within these markings on the paper that cannot be revealed. Once engaged in a lengthy drawing, I seek to cultivate the craftsmanship of the head, hand and heart working in unison to delve into the questions that advance throughout the composition.

I don’t begin with a pre-set idea in as much as a feeling or narrative that I want to work out and explore directly on the paper. The figures are often the anchor points for an unfolding story and the landscape is a sense of place that extends the mystery cinema; one where answers and questions unfold as the viewer spends time and peers deeper into the artwork. The complexity of my work is a result of the demands which these questions place upon that narrative.

I try to capture some mythical nuance of this dialogue in the drawing. 


To attempt to explain or speculate much more about “themes” or “motivation”, is of course, to do a disservice to what these images would care to ask of you. 


~ Breck Outland


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